Fabien Clesse

Paris Art Web - Painting - Fabien Clesse - The Artist Fabien Clesse | Born 1962 | French

Fabien Clesse lives and works in Verdun, a small city in the Meuse department in Lorraine in north-eastern France. Fabien Clesse studied graphic arts and ended up creating a unique style based on a personal technique and a fine sensibility. The paintings of Fabien Clesse are the slow reflections of magical instants full of emotion and instinct. Though he is naturally very shy, especially when his own artworks are under the spots, Fabien Clesse has been participating in different national and international exhibitions and art shows, all along his continuous engagement in teaching and following young talents in his region.



Artworks by Fabien Clesse

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Paris Art Web - Painting - Fabien Clesse - Grande Petresse Grande Petresse by Fabien Clesse

With a pure and a very well defined brush stroke, Fabien Clesse presents through his paintings a collection of feminine portraits, brimful of light, transparency, colors and fervor. Fabien Clesse states his inspiration of both cubism and hyperrealism art schools as an important axe of his painting approach. With a certain symbolism, Fabien Clesse introduces geometry, signs and ideograms to add another dimension to his artworks, leaving the viewer hesitant, but totally delighted with this pleasant doubt.


Paintings by Fabien Clesse

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Early Works

Paris Art Web - Painting - Fabien Clesse - Mine Defer Mine Defer by Fabien Clesse

Fabien Clesse started his artistic research at an early age, inspired by most of the modern art movements. Fabien Clesse easily crossed the borders between different, and often opposite, art theories. With his natural talent and embedded art sense, Fabien Clesse identified and confirmed his own figurative style, before grading his research towards the quest of light, transparency, and colors.

Early Works by Fabien Clesse

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Artworks by Fabien Clesse

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