Artur Muharremi

Paris Art Web - Artur Muharremi Artur Muharremi | Born 1958 | Albanian

Artur Muharremi is one of the most important Albanian contemporary painters. Artur Muharremi has started to create before the political changes leading Albania to democracy took place. With his well known painting 'Before Creation' (1989), Artur Muharremi was one of those very few artists, who shook off and warned the Albanian society of nineties against the crisis that was going to break. Artur Muharremi completed university studies of scenography and contributed actively and significantly as a painter and producer for the  development transformation and qualitative amelioration of the animated film.


In 1991, Artur Muharremi opened his first exhibition in the Albanian National Gallery of Arts. The artworks he presented there were characterized by a metaphysical environment and an emptiness that reflected the political and social situation of Albania of that time. Then, Artur Muharremi emigrated to Greece (Athens), where he painted and created publicity spots for a private TV studio. Parallel to this, Artur Muharremi realized artworks of different genres, such as landscapes, nudes and compositions.


The paintings of Artur Muharremi are realized in the form of pictorial  cycles that are very interesting with regard to the way they perceive the philosophy of life and its phenomena. He is an allegoric painter, very accurate in realizing every detail of an artwrok.



Artworks by Artur Muharremi

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Paris Art Web - Painting - Artur Muharremi - Vitruvian Man 2015 Vitruvian Man 2015 by Artur Muharremi

Artur Muharremi creates pictorial situations full of internal movement. His painting style has passed through several stages of development and consolidation before he was formed as a particular artistic individuality, who unfolds numerous artistic messages to the public by applying contemporary painting techniques and communicative figurative means. The constructions of the landscapes Artur Muharremi has realized are very strange. They seem to be scenes where he shows events and views from an unknown world. Artur Muharremi treats the constituent elements of his pictures in a realistic way in order to achieve the form he has chosen. Among the main cycles of Artur Muharremi one can mention 'The Musicians', 'Nudes', 'Still  Natures', 'Myths and Legends' and 'The life of the Street'. The brushwork of Artur Muharremi is very expressive and transmits spiritual warmth. Sometimes it is characterized by a bright light helping one to read the smooth forms of his monumental personages, other times the light is just frozen.


Artur Muharremi should be seen as the Albanian painter of nudes. His paintings on this subject belong to the most beautiful ones. Their compositional interweaving stirs up the creative fantasy of spectators and make them dream through magic and mystery. Often the naked images manifest a strange impressive force through their silence, where melancholy is part of a beauty almost sculptural and classical. One can frequently see in the paintings of Artur Muharremi the same feminine image that seems to be a poetical muse always sitting next to the painter guiding him across a pictorial world of an endless fantasy. The paintings of Artur Muharremi have inside them witchcraft, mystery and infinite beauty. Every detail is polished and caressed by his brush and his spirit. The works of the painter Artur Muharremi can be admired in the fund of the NGA - Tirana, in the fund of the 'Mezuraj Museum', and in other private collections in Albania and abroad.

Paintings by Artur Muharremi

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